Chuck Gose, host of ICology

Short snippet: I am the founder of ICology and the Head of Community & Industry Insights at Firstup. I also got to fly in a blimp once. 

Full bio: I am a self-proclaimed Skyline Chili connoisseur and Duran Duran fan with nearly 20 years of experience in marketing, corporate communications, and internal communications. My unrivaled passion and enthusiasm for the communications profession began early in my career at General Motors and Rolls-Royce, where I became fascinated by the positive impact internal communications can have on a company's success.

I am the founder of ICology, a resource dedicated to the internal communications profession. The network is all about starting the conversation about how communicators can do more. Can be more. And usually are more than they realize.

At Firstup, I am the Head of Community & Industry Insights. In this role, I create content and opportunities for the internal comms community and the Firstup customer community. I host the Culture, Comms & Cocktails podcast that features the best and brightest the internal comms profession offers. . . .plus cocktail recommendations.

I am the co-creator of the Periodic Table of Internal Communications and the co-author of “The Very Hungry Communicator.” I live in Indianapolis but stay true to my Buckeye roots. I attended Butler University and am a diehard Butler basketball fan. I also got to fly in a blimp once.

Twitter: @chuckgose & @joinicology
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/chuckgose & linkedin.com/company/icology